Every user in GleanQuote is associated with a role. Each role is associated with a set of permissions that determines what the user can view and do within GleanQuote.
When you create a new user in GleanQuote, Role is a required field.
Note: You can also control user access by selecting which GleanView products you want the user to be able to access with the Enable access field. If you only have one GleanView product enabled (GleanQuote for example), then that is the only product you will see in the drop down. If you do not select any products in the Enable access drop down, the user will only have access to basic account and contact information and that user will not count towards your User Limit.
Roles can be defined on the Roles tab of Company Settings / Users. You can use the predefined roles that are included, or you can define an unlimited number of custom roles.
Any user with the Role of Administrator has unlimited access to every part of GleanQuote and any other GleanView products you have enabled in your billing plan.
Within a role, you can specify the following permissions that directly relate to proposals:
Proposals Permission
There are options for:
- View
- Create/Edit
- Delete
- Assign
If you want users with this role to be able to only work on their own proposals, then use the value of User for all of these settings.
You can define Teams in Company Settings. If a user has Team selected for these settings, then they will be able to interact with proposals assigned to anyone on their team.
If you want the user to be able to take actions on team members proposals, but not have the team members be able to take actions on the user's proposals, then select the Team Admin permission level. You can also select this permission level for Accounts, Opportunities, and Projects.
If you want the user to have unlimited access to ALL proposals, then select ALL for these settings.
And finally, there is the option of None if you don’t want the user to be able to be able to View, Create/Edit, Delete or Assign proposals.
Quote Discount / Margin / Markup Permissions
You can specify the allowable discount or margin or markup to be applied to a quote table element by a user with this permission. You can enter values for any / all of these permissions and a user will not be able to save a quote table without meeting the limits you specify. You can select a line item amount percentage and / or an overall percentage.
For the Discount permissions, the Overall % is the maximum percentage that can be applied in the Additional Discount field in the Subtotal Block and the Line Item % is the maximum percentage that can be applied to the line item discount field. If these amounts are entered by the user as fixed instead of percentage, they will be converted to percentage for the permission check.
For the Margin permissions, the Line Item % is the the minimum margin % of any line item and the Overall % is the minimum overall margin for the quote.
For Markup permissions, the Line Item % is the minimum markup % of any line item and the Overall % is the minimum overall markup for the quote. Note that these value are not displayed on the quote table unless the pricing type for the product is Cost Plus Markup. Otherwise the markups are calculated using the formula Markup % = (Price / Cost - 1)*100.
Proposal Templates
Proposal template permissions are a way to control the content for proposals. Without template permissions of Create/Edit = All, the user will not be able to create/edit templates nor will the user be able to edit locked content within a proposal.
Only users with Create/Edit = All permission for proposal templates will be able to lock content. All proposal elements other than the Quote table, signature element and input field element can be locked and an entire proposal can be locked. This can be done with the restrict edit access toggle in the settings of each element or the overall proposal settings.
If the Restrict access toggle is ON in the proposal settings, then users without proposal template create/edit = all permission will not be able to move, delete, or add elements into the proposal and they will not be able to edit any of the proposal settings, other than the Primary Contact for Variables selection. However, edit control over individual elements within the proposal are still controlled with the Restrict Edit access toggles on each individual element.
The quote table element does have a toggle for restrict edit access in the quote settings. If this is ON, then users without proposal template create/edit = all permission will only be able to edit the quote itself and will not be able to edit the quote settings.
Proposal Approval Rules
You can set up proposal approval rules to trigger internal approval requests is proposals meet specified criteria. For instance, you can set up a rule to require manager approval if a proposal profit margin is below 20%.
In order to create/edit rules, a user will need Create/Edit permission of All.
Products Permission
Products permissions determine how a user can interact with the product/services you define in GleanQuote.
If the user does not have Products permission for Create/Edit = all, then they will not be able to create/edit products in the products tab and they will also not be edit product descriptions in line items.
For the View permission, if the user does not have a value of Quotes with Cost, they will not be able to view Cost and Margin values on the quote table and they will not be able to view them in the Proposal list view.
Custom Products: Users can create products on the fly directly from the Quote editor if they have Product Create/Edit = All or Single use permission. These two permission levels enables the display of the Create New Product link above the quick search bar on the quote editor.
Clicking the Create New Product link displays the new product creation dialog. The user can create a product and add one media file for the product directly from this dialog in the quote editor. If the user has Product Create/Edit =All permission level, then the Save Product for future proposals checkbox will display. Checking this box will save the product in the product library. If the user has Product Create/Edit = Single Use permission level, then this checkbox will not display and the user will only be able to use the product on the quote table they are editing. If the user has Product Create/Edit = None, then the Create New Product link will not display above the quick search checkbox.
Suppliers Permission
Supplier permissions are straightforward and determine whether a user can create/edit suppliers for products.
Price List Permission
Users with Create/Edit price list permission = ALL can create and edit new price lists. Users with Assign Price List Permission of All can edit the price list associated with an account or a specific proposal.
Content Library
You can set Content Library permission to control which users have access to modify or create content library files. Permission levels are All or None for the Content library actions.
Only users with Content Library permission of Create/Edit/Delete = ALL are able to modify content library folders, add/delete files to the content library, bulk edit files in the content library and modify content library tags.
Only users with Content Library permission of Share = ALL can edit the user roles that folders/files are shared with.