The six main record types in GleanQuote are Proposals, Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Products and Suppliers.
Each record type has it's own main list view. Every list view has similar functionality.
You can customize the list view by:
- Toggle the columns you want displayed
- Select which drop down filters values you want applied
- Sort the list by any column by clicking on the column name,
- Resize columns by dragging the edge of the column to the position you want
- Reorder the columns by dragging and dropping the entire column
- Apply a search criteria
Once you have the view customized, you can save it by clicking the Saved Filters button. You can also share the the saved filter with users with specified roles. (see Advanced Search and Saved Filters)
From the list view, you can also perform bulk actions by selecting multiple records using the check boxes on the left side. Clicking the down arrow will allow you to select all records, all visible records or deselect all records. Or you can select individual records manually by simply clicking on the box to check it.
Once you have multiple records selected, the following menu will appear:
These actions allow you to bulk delete, bulk edit or bulk export (which exports the selected records to a csv file). The Merge action is only highlighted if you select only two accounts. This allows you to merge duplicate account records.
Each list view also has an orange New button on the upper right, which allow you to create a new record directly from the list view.
The account, contact and opportunity list views also have an orange Bulk Import button, which is how you would bulk import these records into GleanQuote.
Note that the records that display in the list view are determined by the View permissions for the user. These permissions are set by role of the user, which can specified in Company Settings.
For instance, if the user has View permissions of User, then that user will only be able to view accounts assigned to him/her and only those accounts will display on the list view.
Any user with the role of Administrator will have all record access and will be able view/create/edit/delete/assign any record in GleanQuote.