Filtering the List View
On any record table (list view) page, you can filter and drill down to the exact data you are looking for. Each list view uses the combination of the Suggestive Search Box and Dropdowns to filter and Toggle Columns to display results. The Suggestive Search for each list view is also specific to the fields that are searchable for that record type.
Suggestive Search
Enter a plus key "+" to view search modifiers, or just simply start typing.
As you type in the search box, the Smart Search will intelligently find either the closest search modifier or the modifier that will most likely contain the result you are looking for and float that selection to the top of the list for selection.
You can see that once you type in the letter C, that multiple suggestions populate.
In the example below, the word "Sent" has been typed - and now the modifier for "Date Sent" is shown at the top. If you type in an actual date, the result is the same and will float any Date field to the top.
Wildcard Search
You can use a single * character as substitute for any number of characters in a search string. For instance, if you wanted to search for all products that contain garage and windows in the name, you could use: garage*windows in the search bar.
Combined Search Modifiers
As you select each search filter and criteria, you will see the modifier and selection committed to the search box. You can remove any committed modifier by clicking on the "x" for that selection.
You can add as many search modifiers as you like to properly define the result set. You can also repeat the same modifier with different criteria if you wish to multi-select the results (this method uses "Or" logic within the same modifier).
The Search will use the modifiers from left to right as entered. If you wish to use a negative filter ("Exclude"), be sure to do so at the beginning of the string for accurate results.
Dropdown Filters
Dropdowns are designed using the most popular search criteria for each specific list view. Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunity List Views have dropdowns for Assigned To as well as Stage (if applicable)
Each dropdown allows for multi-selection. Make sure to click the orange Apply button to execute the filter.
Toggle Columns
Toggle Columns is a multi-select dropdown that allows you to select which fields will be displayed in the list view results. See List Views for more information.
Saved Filtered Views
Once your list is filtered and laid out the way you like, you can save the exact view conditions for easy retrieval later. This Saved List View can be used for simple reporting and exporting as well as shared with other users for speed and accuracy.
NOTE - Saved Filter View saves Search Box modifiers, Dropdown Selections, Toggle Columns and the exact layout of the page including 'sort by' selection.
Click on the "Save Filter" button above any list view.
You will have the option to Save, Save As, or Discard Changes (if you are starting from an existing saved view)
- Name the Filtered View
- Toggle to Make it a Favorite
- Select the user roles you would like to share this with. (If none selected, only you will be able to use the filter)
Note: Filters are User and Web Browser specific, so make sure to share if you use more than one login or browser. Your most recent list view is cached in your web browser history and will auto-load the next time you visit each list view. (This will only change when you select a new list view or clear your browser cache)
Shared Filter Views
When clicking on the list view selection dropdown, you will see two (2) tabs. "My Saved Filters" shows all filters you have created (shared or not). "Available Filters" shows all filters created by anyone else and shared with your assigned role.
You can edit, delete, and favorite your saved filters from this list as well.
Product Saved Filters in Quote Tables
We have created a special condition inside Quote Tables that uses Saved Filters as well.
Since it is our mission to make it as easy as possible for a rep to build a quote for a customer, using Advanced Search in the quote table allows for speed and accuracy in selecting products even with very large product tables.
Example: Filter created in the Product List View by an Admin and shared with all roles. Filtered by Supplier, Model number group, and price.
In any Proposal or Template Quote Table, when adding a product, start typing in the product selection box to show the "Advanced Search" link and click it.
The Select Product window loads with the same shared filter view from the Product List view page. This allows all users who have been shared a filtered product view to be able to use it inside a quote table even if they do not have access to the full product list view page.
Note: the same filter is displayed from inside the quote making it very simple for the user to find products quickly. Each user can also save multiple filtered views and make them sharable as needed.