You can store your entire product / service catalog (including suppliers) in GleanQuote to enable your team to easily create consistent quotes. Within GleanQuote, products and services are lumped together and are called Products.
Products and Suppliers are organized similarly, with each record type having a main list view of all the products/suppliers and a detail view for each individual product/supplier. You can manually create new records for each, or you can bulk import your entire product catalog. Each of the main list views have three dot actions on the right side of each row that allow you to Edit, Delete, and Duplicate.
Additionally, you can select rows using the check boxes on the left side of each row to see additional actions like bulk delete, bulk edit and export. Each main list view can also be customized by toggling on/off columns, resizing, and drag and drop reordering.
Creating a New Product
You can create a new product by clicking the orange new product button from the product list view. The new product creation modal displays:
You can specify the fields that display on the new creation modal in Company Settings/Customization/Widget Fields. Toggle Creation Visible on for the fields that you want to display on the new product creation modal. You can also specify which fields are required on that same screen.
Once you have created a new product, you can view the product overview page by clicking the product name in the product list view.
You can edit any of the information about the product by clicking the pencil button in the top right corner of each information widget.
Minimum Quantity: Minimum quantity of this product that can be added to quote table
Maximum Quantity: Maximum quantity of this product that can be added to quote table
Increment Quantity: Use this field to specify that this product can only be added to quote table in multiples of this increment quantity
Taxes: Use this field to specify whether the product is included in the tax subtotal calculation on the quote.
Tags: You can add as many tags to a product as you need. Tags for all record types, including products, are created/managed by a user with an Admin role in Company Settings/Customization/Tags.
Category: The Category field is used to establish a product hierarchy. A product can only belong to one category. Default categories are Product, Service and Special, but you can add/edit/move categories by clicking the Manage link or New Category Link. If no category is selected for a product, then it will be found in the root folder of My Categories. You can specify a Category for a product when you create it, or when you edit it. You can bulk move products to different categories by checking the box next to them on the product list view and clicking the Move To drop down next to the search bar.
Type: The following product type values are available:
Configurable - Product that has options
Simple - Product that does not have options
Status: Active means the product is available to add to quotes and inactive means the product is not available to add to quotes.
Sales Tips: Product managers can put key product intelligence data in this field and it will display in the quote editor when the sales rep adds the product to the quote. Sales tips can contain rich text, images, links and attachments. If the product Sales Tip field is not empty a small icon with the letter i will display next to the product name in the quote editor. On click, the sales tip will display in a modal. Sales tips can be bulk imported instead of editing each product separately.
You can add an up to 10 images or other files to a product tot hat can be displayed on the quote and will also be available as a toggle column on the product list views so that browsing/searching is more visual and easier.
There are three options for adding product media. You can add a file that can be any file type that is allowed to be uploaded to the Content Library. You can embed a YouTube, Loom, or Vimeo video. And you can add a url link to an external product file.
Note: For vimeo videos and if you are using the default vimeo embed code, you may need to edit the code to remove position:relative; from the code.
You can also add a fully formatted product description that includes links and images. This would also be available to display on the quote.
All of the product pricing is in the pricing widget, including sections for main price and cost, volume pricing, options, upsell/crosssell/downsell and pricing limits. Each of these sections is described in detail in separate help articles in this section.
Product stats are tracked and updated automatically and are displayed in the Product Stats widget.
Products can have as many as 50 custom fields that can be created in the Company Setting/Customization/Widget Fields section of GleanQuote.
You can bulk edit products from the main product list view by selecting the items with the checkboxes and clicking the icon next to toggle columns and selecting bulk edit.
You can bulk edit any fields, including cost and price. Cost and Price edits are made in terms of offsets, not absolute values. So, if you want to increase the price of the selected products by 10%, your selection would look like the following. You can also bulk edit categories, tags, and any other product field.
The last step of the bulk edit is a summary describing the edits that were made.